This project came about out of a desire to experiment further with the chaotic “Sprott Systems” that
I had previously
constructed individual electrical analogues for on solder-less breadboard. I thought it would be an interesting task to design and construct a digitally-programmed analog simulator
(“computer”) that could conveniently simulate all abovementioned systems. That such a device would obviously be a handy thing to have lying about the test bench (should one actually be
interested in pursuing “practical” investigations into the peculiar behaviour of these chaotic systems) was all the motivation I needed to get started. The contraption that eventually
materialised is pictured immediately below.
Incidentally, by “practical” I simply mean observations of limited scope made at the lab bench by means of electrical test instruments wired to real-world physical realisations
of said systems - not to imply, comparatively, that theoretical and mathematical investigations are of lesser value. But that’s enough philosophy, so I’ll now get on with the technical.
All systems are three-dimensional (x, y, z) and thus three independent computing (op-amp-based) integrators are required. Each integrator is accommodated on its own printed circuit
board along with a companion unity-gain inverting amplifier which provides the complementary (-x, -y and -z) signal output.
page still under construction......